I’ve self-published a 64 page book, designed by Tracey Miller, that chronicles my career. Although the publication was timed to coincide with the opening of my exhibition at Turchin Center for the Visual Arts in April 2015, images are included of my very first pots as well as recent sculptures. Along with a Timeline and Acknowledgements, there are three essays: by Stuart Kestenbaum, former Director of Haystack School of Crafts, Mary Anne Redding, Curator at the Turchin Center, and Jim Toub, Professor of Art at Appalachian State University.
Softcover books are $38 apiece; hardcover are $48. It is available for purchase by contacting me via e-mail: lynnduryea@gmail.com. Payment is credit card, personal check or via PayPal. There is no postage charge for books sent via Media Mail; $3 each if sent First Class.
Additionally, exhibition catalogs are available for Darkness and the Light, curated by Lissa Hunter for the Institute of Contemporary Art at Maine College of Art in 2019. The exhibit included the work of 14 artists living and working in Maine. $15 each.
Lynn Duryea 2019
The Watershed Workshop for People with HIV/AIDS (1991-2004), compiled and edited by Lynn Duryea and Franklin Brooks, documents in writings and photographs the experience of seeing how community and creativity can help in healing. You can access the free pdf here: https://www.watershedceramics.org/pwapdf
If you would like to order a copy of the book, which we are selling at our cost of $33 while supplies last, click here: https://www.watershedceramics.org/pwa-order-form/
This will take you to the Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts website information about this project: https://www.watershedceramics.org/about/our-story/